Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Vitamin C Sustained Released

Vitamin C, the body's main water soluble antioxidant support immunity, aid wounds healing and supports overall good health. it is critical for the health of eyes, teeth, gum and blood vessels. But Vitamin C cannot be made or stored in the body. This protector nutrient must be replenished on daily basis. 

Exclusive Neo-Plex Concentrate: whole food advantage. virtually everything from whole oranges, but water- for better absorption and utilisation

Proprietary time-release delivery system assures optimal nutrients level protection for 6 hours

Vitamin C power of 8 Oranges in each tablets

High potency, high-purity Vitamin C with citrus bio-flavonoids

Natural Vitamin C forms up to 2000% more collagen than synthetic. Vitamin C (in synthetic Vit C 85% is passed through urine as unused Vitamin C within an hour after intake)

Vitamin C deficiency leads to calcium deficiency collagen levels are lowered, bones are weakened and can break easily.

Essential for smokers-builds and protect cells

Regular bruises and injuries call for additional Vitamin C e.g sportman, Construction workers, indusrial workers etc

Build healthy collagen and assures firm skin

Strengthens blood vessels and veins

Prevent colds, Bleeding gums, bleeding noses, bad digestion and stress

For more info call 08185797646

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